Friday, May 05, 2006

Auto accident disrupts Plainfield Today today


Turning into my driveway about 6:30 a.m. from picking up the morning papers, a car crossed a double yellow line and hit me in the driver side door. The 15-minute wait for a cop to take an accident report, and the 30 minutes getting it, ate into this morning's prep time.

Will catch up later. Meanwhile, take a gander....

Note skid marks of minivan which hit me.

Did I have the camera in the car? What do you think?

Question for you: There were at least five calls to 911 from three individuals, but it took fifteen minutes for a car to respond. How come so long?

John, a neighbor from the apartments across the street came out to commiserate. Yesterday I took photos of his car for his insurance claim, which was creamed in mid-afternoon by a driver heading westbound on 7th street, directly across from my driveway.

-- Dan Damon

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dan, sorry you were either the ninth or tenth victim of an accident in our block of 7th Street. Parking by the tenants of an apartment building seems to have contributed to the increase of traffic accidents. It seems the landlord charges his tenants to park in the available parking lot. He must have had complaints as now he has LEASED his parking lot to another person. This person then charges tenants a fee to be able to park in the lot.
It was always my impression that owners of multifamily and apartment buildings were required to have parking available off street for their tenants. Is this not true anymore?