Wednesday, August 16, 2006

New Dems picnic: Politics the main dish


With a hundred-foot driveway full of kids on bikes, trikes and other movable toys, about 80 adults gathered last night for the New Democrats' annual potluck picnic.

Food, though plentiful and excellent, was not the main dish of the evening.

At a brief moment for activities announcements, several attendees spoke out sharply against the recent outspoken comments by Democratic city committee chairperson Jerry Green that attempted to play Blacks against Hispanics and portrayed poor people as undesirables to be removed from public view.

Calls for New Dems to continue to rally people around a platform of diversity and inclusiveness in Plainfield political life brought cheers and applause from the throng.

In small group conversation, many people took note of Chairperson Green's comment at the recent city committee meeting that he was "looking for two candidates" for next year's Council races -- that would be Wards 1/4, where Linda Carter is currently Councilor; and Ward 2, represented by Cory Storch.

The consensus as PT moved among the smalll clusters of people discussing the future races seemed to be that Storch had a base in Ward 2 that Green -- who has not been elected to the city committee from his own neighborhood district in five years -- could not touch.

People were not as sanguine about the ease with which Carter might win without Green's blessing, and some felt that The Chairman is already shopping around for a pliable Hispanic for the seat.

2007 looks to be an interesting year.

-- Dan Damon

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