[This dispatch by Dottie Gutenkauf passed along for the community. --Dan]
The next membership meeting of the Van Wyck Brooks Historic District will be held at 8 pm on Thursday, January 26, [that's tonight ] at the home of Mark Newton and Sam Delgado, 990 Central Avenue.
The District's officers will be elected, so please be sure to attend if you are interested.
The Twelfth Night Dinner January 7th was a huge success--more people than ever attended. The food was terrific, the hosts and their homes were fabulous, the company was fun, and a surprisingly large number of people--including Mayor Sharon Robinson-Briggs and her husband, Peter, as well as the new city administrator, Carlton McGee---stayed for the entire evening. Thanks to all who helped put it together, and special thanks to our hosts--Joseph and Vee DeMeyer, Mark Newton and Sam Delgado, and Rowand Clark and Sheila Harding.
The District's lawsuit to overturn the Zoning Board's decision on Abbott Manor has been filed, thanks to our attorney, VWB member Bill Michelson. He'll give us an update at the meeting.
And we'll get a report from president Gayle Jones on the developing plans for a spring house tour that will include homes from all of the city's Historic Districts. It's being coordinated by VWB member Victor Quinn, who also serves as president of the Netherwood Heights HD.
The District has many new members, and we met a lot of them January 7th. Welcome to all! And if by any chance you haven't paid your dues yet, treasurer Sue Keller will accept your check ($10 per person) at the meeting.
Zoning Board news: Sally Hughes is the new chairperson; Bill McNeill is the new vice-chair. Richard Olive continues as Board attorney. The Board's February 1 agenda includes a request for by the New Covenant Christian Association for a variance to allow them to use space in the church at 315 West 7th Street for a K-8 school. Notice was published January 13; all relevant documents are available for inspection at the Planning Office on the second floor of City Hall; the Board meets at 7 pm in the City Hall Library.
Planning Board news: Ken Robertson is the new chairperson; Ron Scott Bey is the new vice-chair. Michele Donato continues as Board attorney. They plan to review the Master Plan and Zoning Ordinance, as well as all of the redevelopment plans put on hold last year; and to begin work on the Capital Improvement Plan for Council approval in the spring. Next meeting is 8 pm on February 2 in the City Hall Library.
Historic Preservation Commission news: The first meeting of the year was held last evening, January 24, in the City Hall Library.
Keywords: Historic district, VWB