Monday, January 02, 2006

A prayer for our new mayor


As Sharon Robinson-Briggs begins her term as Plainfield's first woman mayor, we enter a new era for our Queen City. I offer this prayer for her:

As the excitement of your Inaugural events recedes, you will quickly be buffeted by the demands of office: constituents with wish-lists -- not always reasonable or doable; conflicting opinions from your supporters about what should be done and what should be done first; and the inevitable precise scrutiny of the media. You will need to be strong; I pray for you the gift of STRENGTH.

Being able to lighten tension with a bit of humor, to make those with whom you must deal -- whether meeting with a neighborhood group or negotiating a prickly and complicated issue -- feel that they are valued even if not always agreed with, will require a special grace. A sense of humor will serve you well; I pray for you the gift of HUMOR.

Resourcefulness and being nimble are important to succeeding when dealing with the complicated maze of getting the resources needed to succeed -- whether from the county, the state, or the federal government. You will need agility to take timely advantage of opportunities. I pray for you the gift of AGILITY.

In government, too much is often lost because of delay or inertia, or the 'we've always done it this way' mentality. You will need to be ready to move quickly when opportunity arises, and to move decisively when the common welfare is at stake. I pray for you the gift of READINESS.

The citizens, the media, and the world at large will look to you to be open and accessible, even when you are busy or tired. They will look for you to be frank and forthright, whether or not that may seem the best course of action. Despite its personal cost to you, openness will confirm your leadership. I pray for you the gift of OPENNESS.

The Queen City is a proud community. If we have not received our due over the past 35 years, it is not because we lack pride. As we survey the wreckage that corruption and self-dealing have brought on many New Jersey communities in recent times, it is clear that nobility of purpose and conduct would have saved them from error and grief. Such nobility of purpose and conduct will serve you and Plainfield well. I pray for you the gift of NOBILITY.

The '!' mark denotes enthusiasm. Enthusiasm will go a long way to overcome the routine that fills much of a Mayor's time -- events you will have to attend rather than being at home with your family, people who will bore or annoy you, media people who will not take 'No comment' for an answer. You will need it on occasion to motivate you to keep putting one foot in front of the other. I pray for you the gift of ENTHUSIASM!

-- Dan Damon

Keywords: Mayor

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