Monday, November 27, 2006

A milestone passed, sadly


President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the declaration of war
against Japan after a Joint Session of Congress, December 8, 1941,
the day after the Japanese surprise attack on Pearl Harbor.
You can listen to his speech here. (RealAudio)

As of yesterday, November 26, the United States has been engaged in the war in Iraq longer than the entire engagement of American forces in World War II.

This is a sad milestone indeed, considering the deceptions by the Bush administration that got us into this war.

Considering the cost to the American and Iraqi peoples of this war.

Considering that the legacy of George W. Bush may well be that he destroyed many opportunities for progress in the Middle East.

And that his policies have led directly to a civil war between Sunnis and Shi'a.

May 1, 2003, President George W. Bush
declared 'Mission Accomplished' in Iraq.

It is instructive to contrast our current situation with that of World War II, where the enemy was not a tactic, where the nation was united in prosecuting the war and making the necessary sacrifices, and where, once the Axis powers (Germany, Italy and Japan) were defeated, the war came to an end.

American troop celebrate on VJ Day in Paris, August 1945.

FDR understood the necessity for a strategy, a plan, the mobilization of resources, and total engagement of the nation in winning.

George W. Bush, on the other hand, has built and run his policies along the lines of the famous motto of the University of Minnesota: 'Built on a bluff, and run on the same principle.'

What will his next milestone be?

-- Dan Damon

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Anonymous said...


Right on the money!!! Bush is an embarassmentnt to the nation. We need a miracle or a spate of thoughtful leadership.

On another matter, your comments on the North Avenue Redevelopment Plan are worthy of reflection. My belief is that the scope of the project does not create a critical mass of people- thus the objective will not be realized. Looks like another Park/Madison. Further, to maximize the commercial appeal of North Avenue, a redevelopment plan should include lands south of the train station and those lands east/west of Park Avenue.(Warehouse/garages) What is appropriate for North Avenue will only be realized with an expanded redevelopment area. Additionally. successful redevelopment requires parking. The city needs to acquire through eminent domain/partnership the PNC Parking lot on West 2nd Street. A parking deck is a must. These comments have been favorably received by politicans/managemnet but no action. That's worrisome.

Regards,Bill Hetfield

Anonymous said...

Your comments about the President of the United Stats are defamatory and beneath the usually top-notch work you do. For Shame. President Bush had no way of knowing suicide bombers and IslamoFascism would appear AND NEITHER DID ANY ONE ELSE IN THE USA BECAUSE MR. CLINTON DENUDED THE IFORMATION GATHERING SYSTEM. As politically correct as you might think these comments are, there is NEVER A REASON TO DEFAME THE PRESIDENT OF TH UNITED STATES! Disagree? Yes. Defame? Never. Wouldn't it be nice if all the naysayers were required to show what they would have done or still would do with this crisis?

Deceptions? I am not for putting all the secrtets of our government for the IslamoFascists to view!

Should be an intreresting 2 years.