Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Barksdale and Abdul-Haqq slimed in last-minute mailing piece

Board of Ed candidates Pat Barksdale and Rasheed Abdul-Haqq were slimed in a mailing piece that arrived in resident's mailboxes Monday, the day before the school board election.

I have scanned the complete 4-page piece and posted it as "Piece sliming Barksdale, Abdul-Haqq."

It is hysterical, full of falsehoods, and nearly illiterate. It should energize anyone who knows the facts to be sure to vote for Pat and Rasheed and to urge their friends and neighbors to do so, also. Here is a review of the piece:



'Lost 1.8 million dollars of the school budget'

Pat has been on the school board less than a year. The budget referred to is last year's, adopted before she was elected to the school board. There was a problem of overlooked funding for the new TEAMS charter school which got a lot of coverage in the daily press. That budget was passed by a board of which she was not yet a member, though one of her opponents in this race was.

'Supports the use of unqualify [sic] teachers'

No one can figure out what this charge means. No one on the board supports unqualified teachers. Perhaps the mailer is referring to the board's substitute teacher list, which contains some who have not yet gotten their teaching certificate?

'Removed students from neighborhood schools'

This is a reference to changes in the student body in the current academic year. Larger than expected enrollment at the High School meant that administrators in the old high school building needed to be displaced to make room for students. The original plan was to house them in the 'swing school' at Rock Avenue and West Front Street. The state would not allow that use of the space, saying instead that it must be used only for students. Consequently, and on admittedly short notice, Jefferson School students -- one of whom is a child of Pat's -- were shifted to the 'swing school' and administrative staff put in the Jefferson building. The action was one of the whole board of ed.

'Unable to secure a contract for Teachers'

It is unfortunate that there is no contract with the teachers yet. But it takes two to tango. As I understand it, both the board and the union have worked hard on crafting a contract agreeable to all. That has not happened, and matters are in the formal step known as 'mediation' at this point. It is not any one person's fault -- the whole board bears responsibility for the situation.

'Supported the use of a factory that contained asbestos for a School'

This can only refer to the 'swing school,' which was never a 'factory,' but housed the executive offices of the National Starch Corp. when it was headquartered in Plainfield. The use of the building was decided upon years before Pat came onto the board, and it's remediation was undertaken by the Schools Construction Corp., which oversaw the purchase and outfitting of the building.


'Convicted felon...'

Yes, and...? I have known and worked closely with Rasheed on many school- and community-related activities since 1988. Everyone in the community knows he had some scrapes as a young man. Whatever debt he owed has been paid long ago. He is a fully committed and active member of the community. And he has a special interest in eliminating the conditions that foster young people getting in trouble with the law.

I would trust my life in Rasheed's hands, and I am certainly going to vote for him. And I urge anyone who reads this to do so also, and to urge their friends to do likewise.

- - - - -

There is a lot more to be said about this shameful piece: who might have written and paid for it. Where the money came from. Why Al McWilliams and the New Dems are mentioned, but that will have to be for another time.

For now, go out and vote -- and urge your family, friends and neighbors to do so also.

Pat Barksdale (Row 1), Rasheed Abdul-Haqq (Row 6) and David Graves (Row 7).

Polls are open 2:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. If you are unsure of your polling location, call the City Clerk's office at (908) 753-3222.

-- Dan Damon

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As I write this, it is not yet 7 PM. If you are a registered voter PLEASE, PLEASE take a few minutes to vote for Barksdale and Abdul-Haqq (I added Graves to my list of 3 candidates.)It's hard to imagine that we would let mudslingers take control of our public schools.