Sunday, April 23, 2006

Phyllis Mason's months' minds

It is one month since Phyllis Mason died.

In the days when England was Catholic, before Henry divorced, the dead were remembered regulary in what were called months' minds. Mass was offered, prayers were said for the departed, and they were 'called to mind and remembered by name' monthly for the first year after their death. Months' minds were a big deal in the community.

We're moderns, we don't have that focus any more. And we're the poorer for it, as we are swept along in the busyness of our daily rounds. Those we have lost are quickly lost to memory with no structured way to recall them and their significance for the life of the community.

I was sorting through old papers this weekend, and found two items that make perfect months' minds for Phyllis. I have scanned them, and you can take a look. The first is a flyer from her campaign for a City Council seat. Straightforward, no frills Phyllis.

The second is a Speaking Out piece she did for the Courier on July 7, 1997, entitled 'Plainfield government must mind its Ps and Qs.' It is quintessential Phyllis, delighting in P words and Q words. Her closing thought we would do well to dwell upon even today:

". . .to achieve real quality in Plainfield the residents as well as the government need to mind these 'Ps' and 'Qs.' To paraphrase President Kennedy: Ask what you can do for your city, not what your city can do for you. Suggest ideas for improvements, do what you can to keep things moving, don't waste time on negative thoughts and actions, and don't settle for second best from yourselves or your government. We all need to pull together to make Plainfield the Queen City again."

Well said, Phyllis. We call you to mind and remember you. Rest in peace.

-- Dan Damon


Anonymous said...

YES!May SHE rest in peace, tho not her thoughts and words...we will always need those to remind us of her vision for Plainfield...what should be our vision as well...
So keep on reminding us monthly, Dan...we certainly need it! Tracy

Anonymous said...

I am so sad to learn that Phyllis died. We were classmates in the Class of 1955 at Plainfield High. I do not recall if she was at our 50th reunion last October. Thank you for being a source for such information. Your call for remembering a friend and classmate.

"Ted"Turner(Edwin A. Turner Jr.,MD)

I do not know all this blog stuff. I am Dan, You worked with my wife, Jeanne for the Drake House. We should talk some time (908) 755-2730

What should I do about your ID below? am I a blogger? what do YOU need from me.