Friday, October 06, 2006

HITS: Abbott emergency... Council dissed by Admin again in budget mess... Disappearing crime?... What McGee forgot...

ABBOTT EMERGENCY ALERT -- The message of the speakers at last night's forum was clear: Abbott, which has been in place for only 7 years after decades of resistance, is MAKING A DIFFERENCE in preparing our kids for lives as productive citizens. It is also IN DANGER.

Reductions in Abbott funding would affect the whole community ACROSS THE BOARD --

  • Taxpayers (who would have to pony up big time for the short fall);

  • Students, teachers and staff who would be looking at reduced programs, increased class sizes and futher falling behind in the education race;

  • Agencies whose programs depend on fees paid by already cash-strapped participants, such as the Boys & Girls Club, the YW and the YM.
David Sciarra of the Education Law Center and Richard Shapiro, special counsel to the Plainfield Schools, both underscored to need to PUT ASIDE LOCAL DIFFERENCES and ORGANIZE TO INFLUENCE THE OUTCOMES of the schools funding debate. The Committe's report to the Legislature is due November 15. Time is short. It would be CRIMINAL of the stakeholders -- the District, the Legislative delegation, and all interested community organizations -- NOT to get busy organizing and lobbying.

Suggestion to Board of Ed: If there is no hearing scheduled for this area, why not VOLUNTEER TO HOST ONE?

BUDGET HEARINGS -- The Administration continues to disrespect the Council. This week with a new wrinkle: UNILATERALLY CANCELING the Budget hearing scheduled for Wednesday evening. The ONLY PERSON WITH AUTHORITY TO CANCEL THE MEETING -- Council President Rayland Van Blake -- was NOT informed. When PT spoke with him in the Rotunda of City Hall as he was trying to sort out the chaos, the Council President was DEFINITELY NOT AMUSED.

Although Bernice's report only indicates Jenny Wenson-Maier, whose department was the subject of the night's agenda, "could not attend," one Council member muttered their displeasure to PT, saying that Wenson-Maier "was not prepared." So, since January there hasn't been time to prep for this annual rite of passage?

You will recall that Mayor Robinson-Briggs' Administration submitted the budget almost a MONTH AFTER THE STATUTORY DEADLINE. Let's just say they are not registering very high on the competence meter (or should that be they ARE registering high on the incompetence meter?).

HAS CRIME FINALLY DISAPPEARED? -- Seems it may have -- at least as an item of discussion and open reporting. Did you know that a young man was shot four times and seriously wounded two weekends ago? That the incident was probably gang and drug-related? No? The buzz in the hall last night outside the Abbott District forum was whether Mayor Robinson-Briggs has put the kibosh on all crime news. This seems to be not the only crime tidbit not made public. Meanwhile, the Courier has made it easy for towns to post their crime info to the daily POLICE BLOTTER section. So, what's up, Doc?

WHAT DID McGEE FORGET AND WHEN DID HE FORGET IT? -- Seems the reason for the PELL-MELL rush to sell the BANs (Bond Anticipatory Notes) issued last month was that City Administrator Carlton McGee didn't realize they were due and needed to be rolled over, HELTER-SKELTER if necessary. Or did he forget?

Seems that back on February 15 (see Bernice's post), when McGee was busy trashing former Director of Finance & Administration Ron West and Mayor Al McWilliams for having used BANs -- "pell-mell" and "helter-skelter" -- in November 2005, McGee said he wasn't sure what projects the funding was to be used for, but he was "researching it." Outgoing Acting Director Norton Bonaparte expressed confidence that McGee would share his findings with the Council.

The answers to the key questions -- what the money was to be used for, when the notes were due -- would have been easily figured out by reading the financial statements filed with the original offering. So, what was the hard part? And when did McGee forget the details? Or maybe he never got around to reading the financial statements?

Too busy? Doing what?

FLOOD MAPS -- New 2006 FEMA maps have been issued. As of this week, only the City Engineer had received the new ones. Additional copies have been ordered for the Inspections Division. Interested parties will have to inquire of the Public Library whether and when their new copies will be available. Remember, the blue markings on the DPW mailer are only GENERALLY INDICATIVE of the flood zones. They are not official. If you suspect your property may be in a flood zone, check the OFFICIAL MAPS.

DISCLAIMER: In the interest of fairness, any person identified in a HITS post who believes he/she has been portrayed unfairly or that the information about him/her is untrue will have the opportunity to respond in this space.

-- Dan Damon

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